Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Oprah's quote of the day :

Take a moment and think: Are you actually doing what you want to be doing? Here's how to discover what really floats your boat.

"You have to start by changing the story you tell yourself about getting older...The minute you say to yourself, 'Time is everything, and I'm going to make sure that time is used the way I dream it should be used,' then you've got a whole different story."
—Diane Sawyer

Friday, March 20, 2009

Biscuit City.

Created by Chinese artist Song Dong in the basement of London Selfridges. 72,000 biscuits were used in total to construct the 'Biscuit city' including Chocolate Digestives, Rich Tea, HobNobs and Fruit Shortcakes. The 'biscuit city' is being offered to shoppers accompanied with a cup of tea for dunking!

Sand Crafts.